10 Reasons Why Your Scale Could Be Up
Does your weight look like a roller coaster sometimes? One day it’s up, the next it’s down, then you’re back up again? Before you slash calories today, let’s look at 10 reasons why your scale could be up.
▪️You ate a late dinner last night.
▪️You had a heavy workout yesterday.
▪️You drank less water over the weekend.
▪️Ate several meals out over the weekend.
▪️You had a crummy night of sleep.
▪️You are ovulating.
▪️You ate a ton of carbs yesterday.
▪️You ignored veggies all weekend.
▪️You’re only weighing once a week + today was a snapshot.
▪️You are so anxious over what the scale will say that you’re panicked before even getting on.
All of these things can contribute to your scale being higher today. The best thing to do is to stay in your rhythm + routine + weigh yourself again tomorrow.
The LEAST helpful thing to do is to think “all your work is wasted” and give up.
Stay reminded friends, the scale is only ONE component of your life. Step back and look at the larger picture.
Are you making progress toward the person you want to become? To the person God called you to be? More confident in your choices? Able to move more with ease? Getting stronger in your workouts? Able to say kind things to yourself about your body? Excited about being active + healthy?
These are things we should also focus on measuring.
Stay after it! You are creating something special!