After 15 years of focusing on my own health journey and helping others achieve their goals, it’s time to start sharing those stories!

Talking to people is one of my favorite things. It’s so cool to sit down, let people tell their story, and be inspired. You’ll find lots of this on the Living Well podcast.

REAL people, like you, who have changed their lives by making the time for their health. We’ll be sprinkling mini episodes with topics to help you wade through health and fitness information, plus tips on how to keep things simple and crush your goals. Overall we’re just going to have a fun time & see where God takes us!

Come grow with us at Living Well with Liv Hill!

Latest Episodes

Episode 14

Anna Tucker shares her experience with coaching and her successful charcuterie business. She discusses the importance of mindset shifts and making sustainable changes. Anna talks about the challenges of staying healthy while traveling and how she overcame them. She also emphasizes the importance of choosing your hard and making choices that align with your goals. Anna shares her journey of incorporating morning walks and at-home workouts into her routine, and how it has made a positive impact on her overall well-being. In this conversation, Liv and Anna discuss the importance of finding balance and sustainability in health and fitness. They talk about the benefits of strength training and how it can lead to physical and mental transformations. They also emphasize the importance of taking progress pictures and using them as a tool to track changes. They discuss the difference between being skinny and being lean, and how being healthy is more important than just focusing on appearance. They also touch on the impact of their healthy habits on their children and the importance of setting a positive example.

Episode 8

Episode 8

In this mini podcast episode, Liv discusses the all or nothing mindset and how it can hinder progress in various areas of life, including nutrition. She shares her own weight loss journey and how she transitioned from an all or nothing mindset to an all or something mindset. Liv emphasizes the importance of starting with small changes and building on them over time. She encourages listeners to find something sustainable that they can commit to every day and use it as a foundation for further progress.

In this conversation, Liv and Meghan discuss how to navigate the summer without losing yourself when you have different schedules. Meghan shares her experience as a working mom with three children and how her routine changes during the summer. They talk about the importance of staying active and setting step goals, as well as the benefits of having a schedule and writing it down. Meghan emphasizes the need to give yourself grace and adapt to unexpected changes. Overall, they provide practical tips for maintaining balance and self-care during the summer. In this conversation, Liv and Meghan discuss the importance of maintaining a schedule and meal prepping during the summer. They emphasize the need for balance and grace in achieving health and fitness goals. Meghan shares her favorite meal prep recipes and strategies for eating out while staying on track. Overall, they highlight the importance of finding a sustainable lifestyle that allows for flexibility and enjoyment.

Episode 12