Calling All Teachers!

Last week I had a coaching call with a teacher to set up her back to school plan.

When we talked she said, I always have the best intentions but it’s a spiral of bad choices from Day 1 until Labor Day.

Here’s the plan we developed:

1. Bought a mini fridge for her classroom.

2. Park further away from the school for steps.

3. Arrive 15 minutes early to walk the halls for steps.

4. Eat a substantial snack after school dismissal*

5. Taking fruit to munch on during planning periods to help with *bored* eating.

6. Walk the playground the days she has recess duty.

7. Hydration markers. X amount of water by X time of day.

8. Keeping meals at home very simple until Labor Day.

9. Eat breakfast with at least 25g of protein.

10. If treats are brought in she’s going to be mindful and practice balance.

*The snack part was a big light bulb moment.

We talked alot about her hunger and fullness cues - and what would work best. Very excited about this part!

The final thing she said:

“I’ve been teaching for decades, I know exactly what my environment & the first few weeks are going to bring. None of the obstacles will be surprising. The difference this year is now I have tools to navigate them.”

So this tip post has turned into a bragging session on this client, but she’s been preparing for this, working hard at consistency.

Now we won’t have the slide until Labor Day and the “restart of her diet.”

Teachers - if you are in the same boat, good intentions gone wrong.

Use these tips!

They are Teacher approved 🍎

1:1 coaching spots available
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High Protein Cereal Treats


Managing Eating Out: The McDonald’s Ice Cream Method*