Cheeseburger Frittata

When you’re short on time - not to mention DON’T want to do a lot of dishes! - this dish reigns supreme! Or King…or Big Mac…or whatever fast food burger you’re craving. Don’t waste your money on an unhealthy, sodium and fat-laden bomb. Fix this cheeseburger frittata instead - in less than 20 minutes and for about the same amount of money you’d spend at a drive thru on just yourself, you’ll have a macro and budget friendly dish ready for the entire family to gobble up!

This recipe makes 4 servings with 30+ grams of protein and <400 calories per serving. It can easily be scaled up or down in servings + whatever veggies or other toppings you want to add. (Just be warned that reducing or adding ingredients will change the cooking time.)

My favorite additions are mushrooms, baby spinach & sundried tomatoes; served topped with avocado slices. Yumm-o!!!


  • 8oz Lean Ground Beef

  • 6 Large Eggs

  • 1 cup Cheddar Cheese

  • 4oz can of Green Chiles


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Brown the ground beef in a large cast iron skillet until fully cooked.

3. Add green chiles + stir.

4. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together 6 eggs. Stir in the cheddar cheese. Add the egg and cheese mixture in the cast iron skillet and mix together with the ground beef.

5. Place skillet in the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until eggs are fully cooked through. Cut into 4 servings and serve!


Strawberry Shortcake Protein Pancakes


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