We Don’t Workout at 6am Because We’re “Hardcore.”
It’s because we KNOW that we are about to commit 16+ hours to everything and everyone else in our lives. This time is all we’ve got.
Knocking out your workout first thing in the morning is more about making sure you’re taking time for yourself and less about being hardcore.
Waking up early and working out is HARD. But what’s also hard is not having a plan for your workout and then trying it fit in during an already crammed day. Then, you know the feeling…the rain cloud of guilt in your mind nagging you all day long because you’ve not worked out yet. You get to the end of the day, exhausted because you’ve poured all of yourself out and have nothing left. You tell yourself you’ll get to it tomorrow. Before you know it, the days slip by and you’ve gone back to old patterns & missed your workouts for the whole week.
Morning workouts give you a great boost to your day and set you up for success! But are they the ONLY way to succeed? Of course not!
If mornings don’t work for you, then find a time that you can commit to & stick with! “Commit to” is the magic phrase. You do whatever you can for your schedule that makes SENSE for you and your family!
It’s 1,000 times easier to find a routine and stick with it vs winging it and hoping to get them in.
Here’s your daily reminder that you need to show up for yourself so you can be your best for those who need you!