▪️This year will only be different if you work towards improving yourself from last year.

▪️No one can do the work but you.

▪️Sleep is a superpower.

▪️Quality food = quality life.

▪️The uncomfortable work is the most rewarding.

▪️ Moving your body with ease is a major flex.

▪️ Stress will catch up with you if you don’t manage it.

▪️ Your family needs you - do your best to stick around as long as you can.

▪️4 days a week isn’t consistency.

▪️Adding muscle to your body will pay dividends for years to come.

▪️Always be proud when you’re 1% better than the day before.

▪️Wanting something isn’t the same as taking action.

▪️ A support system comes in clutch when you start to doubt yourself.

▪️Make peace with the fact that giving your best effort will look different from time to time.

▪️ Surround yourself with people who are rooting for you.

▪️Power in big dreams + believing you can.

▪️God is Everything. See the good in people. Love with all ya got + enjoy the path before you.

Let’s show 2024 how it’s done!


Scale Not Moving?


Calorie Dense Foods - How much is in a REAL serving size?