Let’s Talk About Wegovy, Ozempic, Mounjarno: Semaglutides.

10/10 recommend working with a coach if you choose to take any of these for weight loss purposes.

This post is to educate you on what happens to *most* people, but not all, on these medications. We’re also not here to argue if someone should or shouldn’t take them. We’re here to talk about if you do take them, for the sole purpose of weight loss, you’d be wise to work with a qualified coach to guide you through the process.

When you eat less, and especially when you aren’t super hungry, it’s easy to load in on fats and carbs. Ignoring protein. When you aren’t hungry, it’s easy to have a pop tart + soda for lunch, and feel ok with it. This mindset + lifestyle will not serve you in the season, it will especially not serve you when you transition off.

When calories are extra low proper nutrition, training, + accountability are more important than ever. Taking care of your long term health is the goal.

Protecting your body + giving it all it needs to thrive now + in the future.


It’s. Not. Carbs.


30+ Grams of Protein for Breakfast